Effective Pathways for Discoveries in Particle Physics
Friday 17 January 2025, 05:00pm
Dr. Jacky Kumar (Faculty Candidate), Los Alamos National Laboratory (US)
Location : AB2-5B (AB2)
Abstract: Nature exhibits scale hierarchies, where phenomena occurring
at long distances (or, equivalently, at low energies) are largely
unaffected by the dynamics at shorter distances. This property allows
us to create an effective description of long distances. In particle
physics, scale hierarchies enable us to develop Effective Quantum
Field Theories (EQFTs or in short EFTs) that can make predictions at
energies below a specific threshold without needing to know the
intricacies of the underlying ultraviolet theory (whether known or
unknown). It is expected that in the coming decade, EFTs will play a
major role in understanding the phenomena beyond the Standard Model
(BSM), such as matter-antimatter asymmetry, dark matter, and neutrino
masses. In this context, I will discuss my recent work on the
development of EFTs for BSM physics, their phenomenological
applications, and the computer tools designed to automate
phenomenological calculations within EFTs.