Purchase and Store Section of IISER Mohali is dealing with all kinds of procurements of Goods and Services required by various Academic and Administrative Departments of the Institute.

It also helps in write-off and disposal of the items which has become, serviceable, un-repairable, obsolete with time.

The Purchase & Stores Section endeavour to contribute to the overall development of the Institute activities following sustainable practices.



The import unit deals with all foreign procurement and procurement through CPPP, issue the purchase order for the Institute's shipment originality from foreign land, custom clearance and other related works with the help of custom clearance agents. The Institute also has FedEx import account which is used for imports foreign shipment.

The Import Unit manages the import and export shipments for the institute, handling items originating from or destined for foreign locations. Its primary responsibilities include:

  1. Transit of Shipments: Coordinating the movement of shipments to ensure timely delivery and compliance with regulations.

  2. Customs Clearance: Facilitating the clearance of shipments through the Customs of India, ensuring all necessary documentation is in order and regulations are adhered to.

  3. Processing Letters of Credit (LC): Managing the documentation and financial arrangements required for international trade, including the processing of Letters of Credit.

  4. Allied Activities: Overseeing additional activities related to import and export, such as coordinating with freight forwarders, logistics providers, and other relevant stakeholders.

Collaboration with Customs House Agent (CHA)

To streamline these processes, the institute has empanelled a Customs House Agent (CHA). The CHA plays a crucial role in:

  • Facilitating Activities: Ensuring that all import and export activities are carried out efficiently and within specified timeframes.

  • Providing Support: Offering necessary assistance at airport terminals and ports across various locations, helping to resolve any issues that may arise during the import/export process and providing global outreach.

Department Procurement

Dedicated teams have been assigned for each department to centralize and streamline the processing of indents. This team efficiently handles routine procurement requests (excluding bids) in a timely manner, ensuring that all academic and research activities at the Institute proceed smoothly.

Government e-Marketplace (GeM)

The Government e-Marketplace (GeM) is an online platform launched by the Government of India to streamline and facilitate the procurement process for government departments and agencies. The platform serves as a one-stop shop for government buyers to purchase goods and services from registered vendors. GeM promotes transparency, efficiency, and accountability in public procurement.
General Financial Rule (GFR) 149  emphasizes the importance of using the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) for procurements. The goods and services available on GeM are to be procured through the GeM portal. However, the reasonability of the price is to be ascertained by the buyer.

The Government e-Marketplace (GeM) Manual provides detailed guidelines on how to use the GeM portal effectively for both buyers and sellers.

E-Procurement (CPPP)

E-procurement refers to the use of electronic methods to facilitate the procurement process, primarily through the hosting of e-tenders. This digital mechanism streamlines the publishing and notification of tenders, as well as the submission of bids, via the Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP).  

This is used for hosting Global and Domestic Tenders.

Bill Unit

The bill unit processes all the bills in a centralised and effective manner. It handles bill receipt, certification from indenting officials, stock entry, issuing inventory and forwarding to accounts for payment maintaining a centralised record of all the bills processed.

Annual stock verification of Consumables and fixed assets(non- consumable items) recorded in the name of each individual and department.

The Bill Unit processes all bills in a centralized and efficient manner, ensuring smooth operations across various functions. Key responsibilities include:

  1. Bill Receipt: Collecting and managing incoming bills from suppliers and vendors.

  2. Certification: Obtaining necessary certifications from indenting officials to verify the accuracy and legitimacy of the bills.

  3. Stock Entry: Recording incoming stock into the stock registers, ensuring that all items are accounted for.

    a) Fixed Assets such as plant, machinery, equipment, furniture, fixtures etc. in the Form GFR-22.

    b) Consumables such as office, stationary, chemicals, labwares, maintenance spare parts etc. in the Form GFR-23.

  4. Issuing Inventory: Distributing inventory items as needed and maintaining accurate records of issuance.

  5. Forwarding for Payment: Submitting verified bills to the accounts department for payment processing, ensuring that all documentation is complete and accurate.

  6. Centralized Record Keeping: Maintaining a comprehensive, centralized record of all processed bills for transparency and accountability.

Annual Stock Verification

In addition to its billing functions, the Bill Unit is also responsible for the annual stock verification of:

  • Consumables: Regularly checking and reconciling inventory of consumable items to ensure accuracy and prevent loss.

  • Fixed Assets (Non-Consumables): Conducting thorough audits of fixed assets recorded in the name of each individual and department, ensuring proper documentation and accountability.

Write off & Disposal

A write-off is an accounting action that reduces the book value of an asset, effectively acknowledging that the asset no longer holds value for the organization

Reasons for Write-Off:

  • Obsolescence: The asset is outdated or no longer serves its intended purpose.

  • Damage/unserviceable: The asset is broken or impaired beyond repair and is no longer in a condition to be used effectively or safely for their intended purpose.

  • Loss: The asset is lost due to theft, fire or other unforeseen circumstances.

Write-Off Requisition Process

A write-off requisition form is available on the institute's website for submitting requests to write off assets. The process is as follows:

  1. Submission: Interested parties can complete the requisition form, providing necessary details and justifications for the asset write-off.

  2. Assessment by the Write-Off Committee: Once submitted, the requisition will be reviewed by the institute's Write-Off Committee. The committee will evaluate the request based on:

    • The justification provided by the indenter.

    • The details of the asset, including its depreciated value.

    • Any relevant documentation or evidence supporting the request.

  3. Recommendations: After thorough evaluation, the Write-Off Committee will compile their recommendations regarding the write-off and submit them for further action.

  4. Final Approval: Based on the recommendation, final approval as per delegation of financial powers is obtained.


The disposal of an item refers to the process of getting rid of goods, equipment, or materials that are no longer useful or required by the Institute. Surplus or obsolete or unserviceable goods should be disposed of by obtaining bids through advertised tender, spot quotation or public auction as per the assessed residual value.





GFR 2017

Store Indent

Manual for Procurement of Goods 2024

Store Indent Form Purchases Below 1,00,000 - PDF File   WORD File

Manual for Procurement of Consultancy and Other Services (2022)

Requisition form for Write-off/Condemnation of the Assets - PDF File   WORD File

Stores and Purchase Manual

Form for issue of Gate Pass


Material Receipt & Installation Report - PDF File   WORD File


Annexure 6: Proprietary Article Certificate - PDF File   WORD File



fas fa-users

Technical Evaluation Committee

The Director, IISER Mohali is pleased to constitute three member Departmental Standing Technical Committee for technical evaluation of bids received through E-Tender/GEM and which has estimated purchase value more than Rs. 2.5 Lakhs for a period of three(03) years :

The Committee comprises of following members:
1. Department of Biology Sciences
A) Head of Deaprtment
B) Indentor
C) Dr. Mahak Sharma

2. Department of Chemical Sciences
A) Head of Deaprtment
B) Indentor
C) Dr. Ujjal K. Gautam

3. Department of Earth and Environment Sciences
A) Head of Deaprtment
B) Indentor
C) Dr. Chandrakant Ojha

4. Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
A) Head of Deaprtment
B) Indentor
C) Dr. Debdulal Saha

5. Department of Mathematical Sciences
A) Head of Deaprtment
B) Indentor
C) Dr. Jotsaroop Kaur

6. Department of Physical Sciences
A) Head of Deaprtment
B) Indentor
C) Prof. Yogesh Singh

This is issued with the approval of the Director, IISER Mohali


View Office Order


Standard Purchase Committee

The Director, IISER Mohali has re-constituted the Standing Purchase Committee for all Departments (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, EES, Mathematics & HSS) to deal with the Purchase other than single quotation and Local Purchase Committee proposals in the Institute.

1) Dean- Research & Development-Chairman
2) HoD- Biology or Nominee-Member
3) HoD- Chemistry or Nominee-Member
4) HoD- Physics or Nominee-Member
5) HoD- EES or Nominee-Meiiiber
6) HoD- Mathematics or Nominee-Member
7) HoD- HSS or Nominee-Member
8) Superintending Engineer/Nominee-Member
9) Deputy Registrar (F&A)/Nominee-Member
10) Internal Audit Officer-h4ember
11) Assistant Registrar (P&S): Member-Convener


  • The quorum is fixed as presence of six (06) members required, out of ten(10).

  • The presence of S&P, Finance & Accounts, Audit and respective purchasing of departments is mandatory.

  • Associate Dean/DORD or in his/her absence the Seniorn most HoD may chair the meeting in the absence of Deans.


  • To examine and vetting of the specification and making it broad based where ever necessary.

  • To decide one of the following modes of procurement: 

    a. To invite single tender if it is satisfied that the item of proprietary nature.

    b. To invite Iimited tenders where the sources of supplies are known.

    c. To invite open tender by sending advertisement in the regional/national newspapers and put in on our website.

    d. To make recommendations after receipt of bids/quotations against e-tenders.

  • The Committee will meet at least once in a Weekly/Fortnightly i.e. specified day every week in routine manner in order to clear the documentation/procedures of all purchase files (one-time or routine procurements).


View Office Order


Local Purchase Committee

The Director, IISER Mohali has re-constituted the Standing Local Purchase Committee to survey the market and ascertain the reasonableness of rate, quality and specifications and identify the appropriate supplier for purchase in the Institute, for a period of two (02) year: w.e,f 15'h February 2023, as per provisions of Rule-155, GFR-2017 and Rule 6.4 of Stores & Manual of IISER Mohali:


1) EE&EO, IWD or Nominee/(Not below the ranlk of AEE)-Member
2) Deputy Registrar (F&A) or his Nominee
3) Indenter/PI-Member
4) Assistant Registrar (P&S)- Convener

The above committee will send its recommendations from time to time based on the requirement.

View Office Order



Sh. Sanjeev Kumar Yadav

Assistant Registrar



Sh. Arup Kumar Saha




Sh. Rahul Sharma




Ms. Bhupali Sharma

Office Assistant (MS)



Ms. Ekta Dhull

Office Assistant (MS)



Sh. Akshay Kumar

Junior Office Assistant



Sh. Rajesh Kumar

Junior Office Assistant (MS)



Sh. Alok Kumar

Junior Assistant (Contract)




Sh. Parwinder Singh Sahota

Junior Assistant (Contract)



Sh. Puneet Grover

Junior Assistant (Contract)





Phone IconPHONE




1121 – AR (P&S)
1127 – Superintendent Import Unit
1114 – Superintendent


Administrative Building, Ground Floor

Indian Institute of Science Education & Research (IISER) Mohali

Sector 81, Knowledge City, SAS Nagar, Manauli (PO)

Punjab- 140306, INDIA 

Connect with us

IISER Mohali, Knowledge city, Sector 81, SAS Nagar, Manauli PO 140306
Telefax : 2240266, 2240124

  • +91 - 172 - 22240266

  • +91 - 172 - 22240266
