Research Area
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry
Research Interests
(a) An ab-initio description of LASER-atom, LASER-molecule interactions within the attosecond regime is of recent interest. Our group designs new methodologies for such computations, comes up with numerical schemes and implementations towards high intensity LASER-molecule interactions within the non-perturbation regime. The aim is to develop our own home grown package that can simulate attosecond electronic dynamics ab-initio.
(b) Methodologies for complex-scaling, non-Hermitian calculations of metastable electronic systems.
(c) Properties of atoms and molecules in equilibrium/non-equilibrium/driven conditions. Visualisation and graphics.
2009 - 2013 : With Professor Nimrod Moiseyev, Technion, Israel
2003 - 2009 : Ph. D., University of Pune
Best Teacher’s Award IISER Mohali
Naveen Kumar, Prashant Raj and Pananghat Balanarayan. Atop-the-barrier localization in periodically driven double wells: A minimization of information entropic sums in conjugate spaces. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2019.
Prashant Raj, Alkit Gugalia and P Balanarayan. Quantum Dynamics with Explicitly Time-Dependent Hamiltonians in Multiple Time Scales: A New Algorithm for (t, t′) and (t, t′, t ″) Methods in Laser–Matter Interactions. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 16(1):35–50, 2019.
Mishu Paul, Rajeev K Pathak and Balanarayan Pananghat. Rotatory Response of Molecular Electron Momentum Densities in Linear, Homogeneous Weak Electric Fields: A Topographical Analysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 124(5):943–954, 2019.
Naveen Kumar, Prashant Raj and P Balanarayan. Hovering states of ammonia in a high-intensity, high-frequency oscillating field: trapped into planarity by laser-induced hybridization. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10(21):6813–6819, 2019.
Prashant Raj and Balanarayan Pananghat. A balancing act of two electrons on a symmetric double-well barrier in a high frequency oscillating field. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21(6):3184–3194, 2019.
Deep Raj Meena, Shridhar R Gadre and P Balanarayan. PAREMD: A parallel program for the evaluation of momentum space properties of atoms and molecules. Computer physics communications 224:299–310, 2018.