Research Area
Bio-organic Chemistry, Molecular self-assembly and Systems Chemistry
Research Interests
Since centuries, chemistry as a subject is mainly focused on the challenges of making, purifying and studying compounds. However, for the chemists, still there remains a large void in terms of understanding and mimicking the chemistry of autonomous functioning of cell and eventually life. This led to develop a new branch of chemistry named systems chemistry where the challenges are to create a synthetic organism (de novo form of life) both for better understanding the inner functioning of biology and also to create engineered life forms. Overall, the research area will be multidisciplinary, encompassing the area of (bio)organic chemistry, colloidal chemistry, nanotechnology and flow chemistry.
2013 - 2017 : Marie-Curie Post doctoral fellow, University of Padova, Italy
2017 - 2018 : Post-doc, Pennsylvania State University, USA
2008 - 2013 : PhD, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata
2006 - 2008 : M.Sc. (Chemistry) with Org. Chem. Specialization, University of Calcutta
2003 - 2006 : B.Sc. (Chemistry Hons.), Presidency College (University of Calcutta)
Since 2024 : Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC)
Nominated for BIG-ON-SMALL Award in recognition of excellent performance by the International committee of Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS) at TU Delft, NL in 2024.
Editorial Advisory Board Member of the journal ChemSystemsChem (Chemistry Europe, European Chemical Societies Publishing, Wiley-VCH) since 2023.
Featured in ACES (Asian Chemical Editorial Society) talent issue by Chemistry – An Asian Journal, 2023.
Featured in the Emerging Investigator issue of the journal Chemical Communications.
Core Research Grant (CRG) from Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), India, 202File No. CRG/2022/002345
MHRD-STARS grant in 2019 (File no. STARS/APR2019/CS/284/FS) by the Ministry of Education, India.
Starting Research Grant (SRG) from Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), India, 201File No. SRG/2019/000365.
Awarded DST-INSPIRE Faculty Award, 2018.
Awarded EU ‘MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE Individual fellowship’ by the European Commission for work at the University of Padova, Department of Chemical Sciences, Padova, Italy, April 2015.
Awarded research grants as winner of the ‘International Mobility Program for young researcher from India and Nepal’ at the University of Padova, November 2013.
Awarded Doctoral Research Fellowship (qualified Joint CSIR-UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) examination) from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India held on 23.12.2007.
Ekta Shandilya, Bhargav Rallabandi and Subhabrata Maiti. In situ enzymatic control of colloidal phoresis and catalysis through hydrolysis of ATP. Nature Communications 15(1):3603, 2024.
Priyanka and Subhabrata Maiti. Co-assembly-mediated biosupramolecular catalysis: thermodynamic insights into nucleobase specific (oligo) nucleotide attachment and cleavage. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 11(43):10383–10394, 2023.
Aastha, Priyanka and Subhabrata Maiti. Simultaneous quantification of serum albumin and gamma globulin using Zn (II)-metallosurfactant via coffee ring pattern. Chemical Communications, 2023.
Ekta Shandilya and Subhabrata Maiti. Self-Regulatory Micro-and Macroscale Patterning of ATP-Mediated Nanobioconjugate. ACS nano 17(5):5108–5120, 2023.
Akshi Deshwal, Subhabrata Maiti and others. Trade-off between carbohydrates and metal ions regulates the chemotactic directionality of alkaline phosphatase. Chemical Communications 58(92):12851–12854, 2022.
Shikha, Ekta Shandilya, Priyanka and Subhabrata Maiti. Directional migration propensity of calf thymus DNA in gradient of metal ions. Chemical Communications, 2022.
Rishi Ram Mahato, Priyanka, Ekta Shandilya and Subhabrata Maiti. Perpetuating enzymatically-induced spatiotemporal pH and catalytic heterogeneity of a hydrogel by nanoparticles. Chemical Science, 2022.
Akshi Deshwal, Arshdeep Kaur Gill, Surajmal Nain, Debabrata Patra and Subhabrata Maiti. Inhibitory effect of nucleotides on acetylcholine esterase activity and its microflow-based actuation in blood plasma. Chemical Communications 58(21):3501–3504, 2022.
Priyanka, Ekta Shandilya, Surinder Kaur Brar, Rishi Ram Mahato and Subhabrata Maiti. Spatiotemporal dynamics of self-assembled structures in enzymatically induced agonistic and antagonistic conditions. Chemical Science 13(1):274–282, 2022.
Rishi Ram Mahato, Ekta Shandilya, Basundhara Dasgupta and Subhabrata Maiti. Dictating Catalytic Preference and Activity of a Nanoparticle by Modulating Its Multivalent Engagement. ACS Catalysis 11(14):8504–8509, 2021.
Ekta Shandilya and Subhabrata Maiti. Deconvolution of Transient Species in a Multivalent Fuel-Driven Multistep Assembly under Dissipative Conditions. ChemSystemsChem 2(2):e1900040, 2020.
Subhabrata Maiti, Ilaria Fortunati, Camilla Ferrante, Paolo Scrimin and Leonard J Prins. Dissipative self-assembly of vesicular nanoreactors. Nature Chemistry 8(7):725–731, 2016.