Research Area
p-adic behaviour of L-values of elliptic curves
Research Interests
My research interests are in the area of Iwasawa theory, and Galois cohomology of p-adic Galois representations over Lubin-Tate extensions. In Iwasawa theory, we study the arithmetic nature of L-functions of elliptic curves twisted by certain classes of finite order characters. I have looked at some questions where we look at a class of Artin twists.
Questions regarding computing Galois cohomology over ramified local extensions of the field of p-adic rationals have been there for some time. I am also interested in studying how some of the Galois cohomology may be computed over a p-adic Lie group.
2012 - 2013 : Assistant Professor, Central University of Hyderabad
2009 - 2012 : Post Doctoral Fellow, Mathematics Institute, University of Heidelberg
2003 - 2009 : PhD, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
2000 - 2002 : MSc, IIT Kanpur
1997 - 2000 : BSc, Ramjas College, Delhi University
Neha Kwatra Chandrakant Aribam. Galois Cohomology for Lubin-Tate $(\varphi_q,\Gamma_LT)$-modules over coefficient rings. Research in Number Theory 8(104}, %pages={285–306), 2022.
%volume=177 %number=5 %pages={285–306 Chandrakant Aribam Zhibin Liang}. Computational and Theoretical Aspects of Elliptic Curves. 2018.
Chandrakant; Shekhar Sudhanshu Ahmed Suman; Aribam. Root numbers and parity of local Iwasawa invariants. J. Number Theory 177}, %number={5:285–306, 2017.
Chandrakant Aribam. On the $\mu$-invariant of fine Selmer groups. J. Number Theory 135}, %number={5:284–300, 2014.
Chandrakant Aribam. On $\mu$-invariants of Selmer groups of some CM elliptic curves. Int. J. Number Theory 9(5):1199–1214, 2013.
Chandrakant Aribam. Non existence of finite $Łambda$-submodules of dual Selmer groups over a cyclotomic $\mathbb Z_p$-extension. J. Ramanujan Math. Soc. 24(1):75–85, 2009.
Chandrakant Aribam. Iwasawa invariants for the false-Tate extension and congruences between modular forms. J. Number Theory 129(8):1893–1911, 2009.