Research Area
Topology of real algebraic varieties
Research Interests
The topology of real algebraic varieties, particularly real algebraic knots.
2014 - 2015 : Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
2015 - 2017 : Post-doctoral fellow, IISER Pune
2008 - 2013 : Phd, Stony Brook University
2005 - 2008 : M.Sc., Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
2002 - 2005 : B.Sc. (Hons) Mathematics, St. Stephens College, Delhi University
Shane D'Mello and Vinay Gaba. Properties of glued knots. Bull. Sci. Math. 175:Paper No. 103113, 30, 2022. URL, DOI
Shane D'Mello and Rama Mishra. Constructing real rational knots by gluing. Topology Appl. 237:67–81, 2018. URL, DOI
Shane D'Mello. Classification of real rational knots of low degree in the 3-sphere. J. Knot Theory Ramifications 26(4):1750020, 37, 2017. URL, DOI
Shane D'Mello. Chord diagrams and generic real rational planar curves of degree 4. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN (22):11485–11507, 2015. URL, DOI