Research Area
Differential Geometry, Riemannian Geometry
Research Interests
My research interests lie primarily in Riemannian geometry and geometric analysis. In particular, I am interested in studying Riemannian functionals, geometric flows and their applications in geometry and topology. I have studied rigidity, stability and local minimizing properties of L^p norm of Riemannian curvature tensor at symmetric spaces. I am also interested in topology of non-compact manifolds admitting a complete metric with positive scalar curvature and growth of volume under various curvature conditions.
Soma Maity and Gautam Neelakantan Memana. Uniform Poincar'e inequalities on measured metric spaces. manuscripta mathematica 172(3-4):905–931, 2023.
Atreyee Bhattacharya and Soma Maity. Stability of quadratic curvature functionals at product of Einstein manifolds. Proceedings-Mathematical Sciences 131:1–21, 2021.
Soma Maity. On the stability of L p-norms of Riemannian curvature at rank one symmetric spaces. manuscripta mathematica 159(1):183–202, 2019.
Samik Basu and Soma Maity. Homotopy theory. Topology and Condensed Matter Physics, pages 45–63, 2017.
Kingshook Biswas and Soma Maity. Differential Topology and Differential Geometry. Topology and Condensed Matter Physics, pages 79–108, 2017.
Atreyee Bhattacharya and Soma Maity. Some Unstable Critical Metrics for $ L\^${$$\backslash$frac $$n$$$$2$$$}$ $- norm of the Curvature Tensor. Mathematical Research Letter 21(2):235–240, 2014.
Soma Maity. On the stability of the L p-norm of the Riemannian curvature tensor. Proceedings-Mathematical Sciences 124:383–409, 2014.
HA Gururaja, Soma Maity and Harish Seshadri. On Wilking’s criterion for the Ricci flow. Mathematische Zeitschrift 274(1):471–481, 2013.