Research Area
Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, Quantum Thermodynamics
Research Interests
We are interested in fundamental problems related to the science of thermodynamics. This 18th century field is seeing a revival with the advent of thermodynamics in the quantum realm. We investigate the performance of models of quantum thermal machines based on non-classical resources such as coherence and entanglement. The central issues revolve around the basic nature of heat and work in the quantum regime. An interesting line of inquiry how thermodynamics can help us to understand quantum theory itself. In this, the deep connection between the concepts of information and entropy needs to be understood. We develop models of subjective inference based on limited information which is inspired from Bayesian approach to probability. Quantum thermometry tries to set new bounds on the sensitivity and precision of temperature sensors in the low temperature domain. We also seek applications of thermodynamic approach in the domain of thermoelectricity.
2001 - 2002 : Alexander von Humboldt fellowship, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Technical University, Dresden, Germany
1994 - 1999 : PhD, Panjab University
Sachin Sonkar and Ramandeep S Johal. Spin-based quantum Otto engines and majorization. Physical Review A 107(3):032220, 2023. Ramandeep S Johal and Venu Mehta. Quantum heat engines with complex working media, complete Otto cycles and heuristics. Entropy 23(9):1149, 2021. I Iyyappan and Ramandeep S Johal. Efficiency of a two-stage heat engine at optimal power. Europhysics Letters 128(5):50004, 2020. Ramandeep S Johal and Renuka Rai. Near-equilibrium universality and bounds on efficiency in quasi-static regime with finite source and sink. Europhysics Letters 113(1):10006, 2016. Ramandeep S Johal. Optimal performance of heat engines with a finite source or sink and inequalities between means. Physical Review E 94(1):012123, 2016. George Thomas and Ramandeep S Johal. Friction due to inhomogeneous driving of coupled spins in a quantum heat engine. The European Physical Journal B 87:1–6, 2014. Ramandeep S Johal. Universal efficiency at optimal work with Bayesian statistics. Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82(6):061113, 2010. Ramandeep S Johal. Quantum heat engines and nonequilibrium temperature. Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80(4):041119, 2009. Ramandeep S Johal, Antoni Planes and Eduard Vives. Statistical mechanics in the extended Gaussian ensemble. Physical Review E 68(5):056113, 2003. Ramandeep S Johal. q calculus and entropy in nonextensive statistical physics. Physical Review E 58(4):4147, 1998.