Research Area
Quantum Information, Quantum Optics
Research Interests
As a theoretical physicist, my research interests lie at the forefront of quantum information science and technology. My current research focuses on several cutting-edge areas which are the following:
Photonic quantum memory: Photonic quantum memory is crucial for the development of reliable quantum networks, quantum repeaters, for on-demand single photon sources, and for on chip delay lines. This involves the study of Light-matter interactions, examining how photons interact with atoms and molecules to uncover new quantum phenomena and the ability to store and retrieve single photons on demand.
Measurement-based quantum computation: In measurement based quanutm computation, I investigate the potential of using entanglement and quantum measurements to perform complex computational tasks in photonic systems. My research in photonic quantum computation aims to harness the unique properties of photons for building scalable and efficient quantum computers.
Non-inertial effects on quantum systems: this involves understanding how quantum systems behave under acceleration or in gravitational fields, providing insights into the interplay between quantum mechanics and relativity.
Together, these research interests contribute to the advancement of quantum science, with implications for quantum computation and quantum communication.
2012 - 2014 : Post-doctoral Fellow, University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, South Africa
2014 - 2016 : Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
2007 - 2012 : PhD in Physics, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India
2005 - 2007 : MSc in Physics, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India
2002 - 2005 : BSc (Physics Hons.), Hindu College, Delhi University, New Delhi, India
Vikash Mittal, Akhilesh K S. and Sandeep K Goyal. Geometric decomposition of geodesics and null-phase curves using Majorana star representation. Phys. Rev. A 105:052219, May 2022. URL, DOI
Chanchal, G P Teja, Christoph Simon and Sandeep K Goyal. Storing vector-vortex states of light in an intra-atomic frequency-comb quantum memory. Phys. Rev. A 104:043713, October 2021. URL, DOI
Kinjalk Lochan, Hendrik Ulbricht, Andrea Vinante and Sandeep K Goyal. Detecting Acceleration-Enhanced Vacuum Fluctuations with Atoms Inside a Cavity. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125:241301, December 2020. URL, DOI
G P Teja, C Simon and S K Goyal. Photonic quantum memory using an intra-atomic frequency comb. Physical Review A 99, 2019. DOI
P Zarkeshian, C Deshmukh, N Sinclair, S K Goyal, G H Aguilar, P Lefebvre, Grimau M Puigibert, V B Verma, F Marsili, M D Shaw, S W Nam, K Heshami, D Oblak, W Tittel and C Simon. Entanglement between more than two hundred macroscopic atomic ensembles in a solid. Nature Communications 8:906, October 2017. DOI
Sandeep K Goyal, Neethi B Simon, Rajeev Singh and Sudhavathani Simon. Geometry of the generalized Bloch sphere for qutrits. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49:165203, April 2016. URL, DOI
Sandeep K Goyal, Rajeev Singh and Sibasish Ghosh. How measurement reversal could erroneously suggest the capability to discriminate the preparation basis of a quantum ensemble. Physical Review A 93:012114, January 2016. URL, DOI
Ish Dhand and Sandeep K Goyal. Realization of arbitrary discrete unitary transformations using spatial and internal modes of light. Physical Review A 92:043813, October 2015. URL, DOI
Sandeep K Goyal, Filippus S Roux, Andrew Forbes and Thomas Konrad. Implementing Quantum Walks Using Orbital Angular Momentum of Classical Light. Physical Review Letters 110:263602, June 2013. URL, DOI
S R Hassan, P V Sriluckshmy, Sandeep K Goyal, R Shankar and David S??n??chal. Stable algebraic spin liquid in a Hubbard model. Physical Review Letters 110:1-5, 2013. DOI